Social Credit Principles
1) The individual is the most important entity in any society.
2) Systems should be made for men, not men for systems.
3) The universe is Trinitarian in structure, and systems which most accurately reflect this structure are in accordance with natural law.
4) Individual and cooperative enterprise should be the basis of economic organisation. Where state-owned enterprises are necessary or desirable they should conform to the same conditions and rules as privately owned concerns.
5) Freedom is the ability to choose or refuse one thing at a time.
6) People sacrifice their individual freedom in order to associate for
economic efficiency.
7) The less sacrifice each individual has to make in terms of economic
association, the better off they are.
8) Capital and Technology are reducing the need for economic
association by individuals.
9) The purpose of production is consumption.
11) Capitalized costs represent past consumption.
12) Past costs should not exist in the present, as a consequence a form of purchasing power must be distributed to all consumers in order to defray capitalized costs.
Social Credit Objectives:
1) The development of a National Credit Authority to create a national balance sheet and calculate aggregate consumption and production statistics.
2) The distribution of a dividend to every individual of the age of consent, the amount to be determined by the national balance sheet.,
3) The distribution of a price rebate at the point of retail based upon aggregate consumption and production statistics, the ratio of the rebate to be determined by the ratio of consumption/production.
4) The elimination of all taxes on property.